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Ace your exam and drive away into the sunset, smiling

Sure you can study the manual, but they don't give you a pass guarantee. We do. Pass using our fast and efficient method, or it's free.

  • 650+ possible exam questions
  • 30 Premium tests specific for
  • Covers all non-commercial license classes
  • The only program recommended by DMVs
  • Based on the official 2020 driver's manual
  • 2 PDF cheat sheets for printing
  • Instant access
  • Zero-risk Pass Guarantee
Pass the First Time with Premium

for first-timers renewal applicants senior citizens

Recommended by trusted driving organizations

If you only study the official manual, your probability of passing is a terrible 49%

If you depend on the DMV handbook alone, you could find yourself among the 5 in 10 Americans who fail the knowledge test their first try1. The book is made to inform - not to help adults learn quickly. It takes more than 6 straight hours to read. And rote memorization is painfully labor intensive, so most adults miss dozens of key points. How do you even know what you'll be tested on?

Be fully prepared in days, not weeks

Introducing Driving-Tests Premium: the no-fail way to pass your written exam on the first try - without going to class or memorizing a dated handbook.

You’ll unlock 650+ state-specific practice questions written by curriculum experts, vetted by DMVs and seen on the official exam. Get instant feedback on your answers. Simulate the actual test-taking experience and see your grade in real time. It’s studying help that's as specific and supportive as private instruction.

Exam preparation program for people who hate exams

Driving-Tests Premium is an online driver education program that's proven to nearly double your chances of passing2 - by quizzing you on the questions that you’re most likely to see on your exam. You won't even notice you're studying most of the time: you'll just want to keep taking the tests until you pass them all, as you go through everything you need to know for the DMV exam.

Premium has an industry-leading 95.2% success rate and you're fully protected by the Pass Guarantee.

Learn more →

You'll know exactly what the DMV wants

There is a reason why driving schools and independent driving instructors recommend this program. Driving-Tests.org is the largest independent online driver education provider in the US. Driving practice tests are all we do. Since 2010, we've helped millions of Americans dominate their DMV exam and win the day. We've heard from thousands of recent test-takers who told us every little detail of how their exams went. That "insider" knowledge is at the heart of our powerful Premium program - now we can share it with you.

More about Driving-Tests.org →

600Exam-like questions

Unlock a HUGE set of possible exam questions

Get exclusive access to 30 realistic practice tests with more than 650 exam-like questions. Build confidence with increasing difficulty levels as you cover every topic you'll be tested on. You won't just practice taking exams online (with questions that range from easiest to knuckle-cracking hardest), but will truly learn the rules of the road and become a safer driver.

You are traveling along the right lane of a four-lane highway. You see an emergency vehicle pulled over ahead with its lights flashing. What must you do here?
Slow down.
Change lanes if possible; otherwise, slow down.
Slow down; also change lanes if possible.
You must try to keep a safe distance wherever possible.
When you approach a stopped emergency vehicle, tow truck, or Department of Transportation vehicle with its flashing yellow lights on, you must move into a non-adjacent lane if possible and safe, leaving an empty lane between your vehicle and the stopped vehicle. If this is impossible (i.e., no other lanes in your direction) or unsafe, you must slow down instead. (Note: All states now have their own Move Over Laws, but some of them require drivers to do different things.)
You are turning left into a driveway. What must you do before you proceed?
Yield to pedestrians.
Yield to traffic.
Yield to pedestrians and traffic.
Are you turning across anyone's path?
When you turn left, you must yield to all traffic until it is safe to proceed. You must also yield to pedestrians at all times.
Three cars arrive at an uncontrolled intersection. In what order can the cars proceed?
A, B, C
B, C, A
C, B, A
Some of the cars in this situation are turning onto new roads.
Cars on the through road have the right-of-way at T-intersections. Cars turning left must also yield until it is safe. Therefore, car B can go first, followed by car C, and then by car A.
Which of the following is true?
One driver must take the right-of-way and proceed first.
Car A must yield to its right.
Car B must yield to its left.
The car on the busier road has the right-of-way.
When two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at about the same time, the vehicle on the left must yield.
When two cars arrive at an uncontrolled intersection or an all-way stop at about the same time, the car on the left must yield to its right. Here, Car A must yield to its right, and Car B has the right-of-way.
This hand signal means that the driver intends to
turn left.
turn right.
slow down.
Hand signals can communicate the same information as lighted turn and brake signals. They can communicate a driver's intention to turn, slow, or stop.
This driver is signaling a right turn.

Pass the DMV Exam, guaranteed or get your money back

Even if you haven’t taken a test in 10 years. And taking tests makes your hands sweat. With Premium, you’re 100% guaranteed to pass.

How Pass Guarantee protects you →

How it works

Complete Realistic Practice Tests

Instant feedback and explanations for every answer.

Take Exam Simulator

Simulate the actual test-taking experience.

Check Passing Probability

Powerful analytics algorithm predicts your results.

Schedule Your DMV Exam

You're all set and ready to pass with flying colors.

Covers all non-commercial license classes

The program prepares you for a new learner's permit, full (adult) driver's license, license renewal and a senior citizens' refresher exam. If your state has any specific road signs or requirements, we cover those, too.

Don't just memorize: understand

You'll get the why behind every right answer immediately after choosing an option. We've simplified the vague language of driving rules so you can quickly master concepts and answer the question correctly the next time - no matter how it's worded on the exam.

Unlock 650+ exam-like questions

Delightful imagery to better understand the road situations

A picture is worth a thousand words. Instead of cryptic mind-boggling descriptions, see a clear image of the situation to better understand and remember.


Immersive 360° behind-the-wheel-like experience

See what it’s like to be in the driver’s seat and make important, everyday road decisions from behind the wheel - not behind a book. Watch the rules of the road in action as you explore the situations from various angles.

Save time with two printable cheat sheets

These quick, printable PDFs cover the trickiest questions you're likely to see on the exam day. Great when you can only sneak in small snippets of study time, like at work.

See a sample preview page

Send the PDFs to your mobile device and study anywhere - even right before the exam!

Like having your own private driving instructor, at a fraction of the cost

Driver’s Ed classes are packed with teens; is spending your Saturdays there the best use of your time? Worst of all, committing to weeks of wasted Saturdays won’t guarantee you’ll pass. And many of us really can’t afford to hit pause on our day and trek back to the DMV to retake that exam.

  Traditional Driver's Ed Premium with
Cost $500-$800typically for classroom plus behind the wheel $49+Unlimited retakes
Convenience Many private driver training schools have rigid schedules. You may have to take a class every day for a week. You must show up on time for class, and if you miss enough classes, you may have to retake the whole course. Instant access; use it 24/7. Study from home or on the go whenever you wish. Covers all 3 types of knowledge tests: learner's permit, driver's license, and Senior Citizens' Refresher Exam.
Duration Typically 30 hours classroom + 6 hours behind the wheel + 6 hours’ observation of another student behind the wheel. Convenient lifetime or monthly membership. Use it until you’ve passed your knowledge test. Come back again if you ever have to retake the knowledge test and need a “refresher.”
Personalized Instruction No personalization. You study in a group of 10–20 students. You may struggle to keep up with the faster students or be bored when the teacher has to explain things to the slower students. Your mistakes are automatically stored in the Challenge Bank for you to review. Tests are divided into several difficulty levels. Study at your own pace.
Knowledge Retention Traditional passive (instructor-centered) methods of teaching. Poor retention. Remember the concepts faster by intensive drilling with engaging practice tests based on the official manuals and relevant state laws and regulations.
Guarantee You'll Pass Most private driving schools don't offer money-back guarantees. At the end of the program, you typically get a certificate and a handshake. Comes with a Pass Guarantee. We promise that you'll pass your knowledge test or we'll refund you in full.
Already convinced? Get it now! Upgrade to Premium

Customers agree: our questions are nearly identical to the real exam

"I never looked at the book once. After a FULL day of studying I went to the dmv today and after 3 hours of waiting I took my test. I took both tests under 10mins and walaa. The lady gave me the what the hell look and gave me my paperwork and I victory danced out of the dmv. Best day ever honestly." - Cris R., California

Watch more of their stories →

"My son read the manual but couldn't synthesize the material using just the DMV app on his phone (he failed on his first attempt). He passed with Driving-Tests: I now have a happy child with more confidence and skills to begin his next phase of adulthood - driving."
Hope Slone
Premium Member from Virginia
"Ever since making my appointment, I was scared. I'm going to be 74 next month and it is harder for me to remember things. The practice tests were amazing! It was so much better than studying the book. And you made it fun with the graphics and the congratulations. I felt like I wasn't alone and that helped a lot with my stress."
Frayda Garfinkle
Premium Member from California
"I was a little trepidatious about going in there and failing. With using the practice tests at this website it was very simple. They had every kind of questions you'd ever want. It is...flawless."
Dave Parke
Premium Member from California

Over 57,000 people have used Premium to pass their DMV exam

Study at home. Or anywhere you go, really.

Practice wherever your day takes you. Even in line at the DMV waiting for your exam. Premium works seamlessly across all your devices. You can start on the home computer, then continue on the smartphone or tablet. Your progress will be in perfect sync.

Specific to
Every question is based on your state's official manual and traffic laws. When we say "state-specific", we really mean it.
Updated for 2020
Don't study outdated material. When your state updates its manuals, your Premium questions get updated as well.
Authentic Format
Exam Simulator mimics the experience of a real exam, pulling random questions from a huge database.

Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles image/svg+xml

"These practice driving skills exams make studying easier and less stressful."

Kansas Department of Transportation image/svg+xml

"First-time driver or need a refresher course? Test your knowledge on the Rules of the Road here."

Let us help you breeze through your Driver's License exam

Don't risk wasting time and money on a repeat exam if you fail. With Premium, you'll walk out of the DMV feeling like you just took a first grade spelling test.
Recommended by DMVs, trusted by over 57,000 users.
Premium PlusPremium
Perfect for last-minute preparation
Driving-Tests Premium Plus
Purchase Now
All 650+ Exam-Like Questions With Explanations
30 Premium Practice Tests (incl. toughest questions)
Exam Simulator i
Lifetime Access i
Covers Learner's Permit, Driver's License and Senior Citizens' Exams
Smart Challenge Bank™ i
Powerful Pass Probability Analytics
Cross-Device Progress Tracking i
VoiceOver & Flashcard Mode
No Ads
Family Sharing (up to 3 people) i
Driver's Test Anxiety Relief Audio Series i
Professional Priority Support
Pass Guarantee i

BONUS: 2 Exclusive PDF Cheat Sheets (100 Most Frequently Asked DMV Questions and 120 Most Common U.S. Road Signs)

Driving-Tests Premium
one-month access
Purchase Now
All 650+ Exam-Like Questions With Explanations
30 Premium Practice Tests (incl. toughest questions)
Exam Simulator i
Smart Challenge Bank™ i
Powerful Pass Probability Analytics
Cross-Device Progress Tracking i
VoiceOver & Flashcard Mode
No Ads
Pass Guarantee i
PDF Cheat Sheets
Family Sharing
Driver's Test Anxiety Relief Audio Series

Frequently asked questions

Who is this program for?
  • First-time applicants getting their learner's permit or driver's license in . The requirements for obtaining a driver license for the first time are much more stringent than they used to be.
  • Those who already failed once. When the time comes, you'll stride right into the DMV, thinking, "Bring it!" – confident like LeBron James dunking the ball.
  • Renewal applicants. In some U.S. states, you will be required to pass a DMV knowledge test to renew your existing license if it expired long ago. Same applies if you’ve had accidents or certain violations on your driving record.
  • New residents relocating from another state.
  • New residents relocating from another country. Most U.S. states require a driver who was licensed in another country to pass both a DMV knowledge test and a driving (road) test unless the state has a reciprocal licensing agreement with that country.
  • Seniors who are required to pass a knowledge test to renew their driver licenses. Some U.S. states require older drivers to pass a knowledge test to renew their driver licenses. Today’s knowledge tests may ask about aspects of driving that are relatively recent such as the proper use of cell phones while driving, new recommendations on following distance, and recent changes to laws against drunk driving and distracted driving.
Can't I just read the driver's manual?
The problem with the DMV handbooks is that they aren't written to promote rapid learning. There are just too many things to remember all at once. With Premium, you'll study at a much faster pace by taking challenging tests that correct you in real time. You'll see the correct answer for each question immediately, along with a detailed, in-depth explanation so you can understand the reasoning behind it. We'll even praise you for being right! Besides, Premium covers all types of non-commercial licenses and comes with a zero-risk Pass Guarantee. You won't even notice you're studying most of the time: you'll just want to keep taking the tests until you pass them all, as you're learning everything you need for the DMV exam.
How is Premium better than the free tests?
Our free tests are awesome, but Premium gives you even more opportunities to study. You'll be exposing yourself to more types of questions, more ways of wording things. If you're not using Premium, you're only seeing a portion of the potential questions you may see on your exam. Upgrading to Premium allows you to give yourself every opportunity to succeed. Additionally, our Cheat Sheets have singled out the DMV's most frequently asked questions, so it's another great way to start studying and to make sure that you haven't missed anything.
How does the Pass Guarantee Work?
Our Premium Membership comes with a Pass Guarantee. If you successfully complete all the practice tests for your state, we promise you a passing grade on your DMV written knowledge test or we'll refund your money. To claim, just send us an email with your full name (must match the name and email address used for your purchase at Driving-Tests.org) within 30 days from the purchase of your Premium membership.
Are the questions specific to my state?
Yes. Each question comes with a detailed explanation and references the specific chapter in your state's official driver's manual, where relevant.
What happens after I sign up?
When your payment is complete, you will be automatically signed into your Premium account. You will receive an email with a receipt and your payment details. All the Premium features will be available to you right away. Your test progress won't be lost; it'll be carried over from Free to Premium. Here's how it works:
  • Select your state.
  • Take engaging practice tests.
  • You're all set and ready to pass.
(Wait, that's it? Yes! You're ready to go to the DMV and pass with flying colors. It'll feel just like taking another practice test, but way easier! In fact, you may even get a compliment from the testing officer for passing so quickly (happens to a lot of our customers!)
Since 2010, over 20 million Americans have used our website to pass their DMV exam and win the day. We've heard from thousands of recent test-takers who told us every little detail of how their DMV exam went. That "insider" knowledge is at the heart of our powerful Premium program - now we can share it with you.
Will my existing progress be lost when I upgrade to Premium?
No. When you sign up for Premium, we'll transfer your progress and scores from the free account to our server so you'll see all your past progress in your Premium account immediately. Not only will you save your personal statistics, but they'll be available on any browser, computer, or device you use to take our practice tests.
Can I use my Premium account on another computer or smartphone?
Absolutely! You can switch to any other computer or mobile device at any time and continue practicing from where you left off. You'll need to sign in with the same e-mail address and password that you used to sign up for Premium. All your progress and passing scores will be available on any device because that data is stored on our server for Premium users.
How can I be sure this will help me pass?
We know exactly what the DMV wants.
Driving-Tests.org is the largest independent driver education provider in the US. Driving practice tests are all we do. With 4.5M monthly visitors, we’re the ONLY specialized team dedicated entirely to driving tests: writers, researchers and analysts who know what the DMV wants from applicants and how to teach that. See how we work with government agencies, 2,300 libraries and schools

Recommended by DMVs and trusted driving organizations

Driving Tests Partner Logos
  1. Data based on the "Driver License Testing Of Young Novice Drivers", U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/811440.pdf
  2. 95.2% of premium customers pass based on a Sept 2018 survey of 260 users who took the official exam.