Free Hummer VIN Decoder & Lookup

Decode your Vehicle Identification Number for free

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  • Official data from NHTSA
  • Most recent recalls
  • Most recent complaints
Successfully Decoded
- - -
Drive Type
Manufactured in
Manufactured By -
Plant Company Name -
Vehicle Type -
Series -
Body Class -
Doors -
Front Airbag Location -
Seat Belts Type -
Engine Displacement (CI) -
Engine Displacement (CC) -
Fuel Type -
Engine Number of Cylinders -
Additional Vehicle Info
Most Recent Recalls
Most Recent Complaints
*NOT specific to this particular vehicle. Submitted by other owners of this model.
Source: official gov. database of complaints

What is a VIN Number?

When a motor vehicle is manufactured, it is assigned a unique code known as the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). This 17-character string, which excludes the letters Q, I, and O to prevent confusion with 0 and 1, provides details about the vehicle's manufacturer, model, year, and production site, all in one sequence without spaces.'s VIN decoder is free to use and pulls straight from government data.

How many characters:
17 (digits and capital letters)
Where to find:
Dashboard on the driver's side
First digit stands for:
Country of manufacturer

How to Find It

Finding your Hummer's VIN is straightforward. Here’s where to look:

  • Passenger Cars: Check the front of the dashboard on the driver's side. View it from outside the vehicle through the windshield. Also, inspect the driver's side door pillar—open the door to find the VIN where the door latches.
  • SUVs: Look in similar locations as passenger cars, focusing on the driver's side door pillar and the front of the dashboard.

If you're unable to locate the VIN on your Hummer, it can also be found on:

  • Your vehicle's title documents.
  • Liability insurance documents.

How to Check a Specific Number

Enter your Hummer's 17-character Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) in the field above to access detailed insights about your vehicle. This includes information about the manufacturer, make and model, body style, engine type, assembly plant, and model year. The data is provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) based on details supplied by Hummer. Whether you drive a Hummer H1, H2, or H3, this VIN Decoder tool will help you get a precise build sheet or specific chart for your vehicle. For Hummer vehicles produced before 1981, the VIN might be shorter than 17 characters.

How to Read the Different Components

Curious about what each character in your Hummer's VIN stands for? Here's a breakdown:

How to decode a Vehicle Identification (VIN) number

Model Year Character Codes

The table below shows the model year character codes used in Hummer VINs. These codes help you determine the exact year of manufacture for your vehicle.

  • Example: A Hummer H3 with a VIN of 5GTDN13E078123456 has a model year character of '7,' indicating it was manufactured in 2007.
  • Example: A Hummer H2 with a VIN of 5GRGN23U64H123456 has a model year character of '4,' indicating it was manufactured in 2004.
Brand Code Year Code Year Code Year
Hummer A 1980 L 1990 Y 2000
Hummer B 1981 M 1991 1 2001
Hummer C 1982 N 1992 2 2002
Hummer D 1983 P 1993 3 2003
Hummer E 1984 R 1994 4 2004
Hummer F 1985 S 1995 5 2005
Hummer G 1986 T 1996 6 2006
Hummer H 1987 V 1997 7 2007
Hummer J 1988 W 1998 8 2008
Hummer K 1989 X 1999 9 2009
Hummer L 1990 A 2010
Hummer M 1991 B 2011
Hummer N 1992 C 2012
Hummer P 1993 D 2013
Hummer R 1994 E 2014
Hummer S 1995 F 2015
Hummer T 1996 G 2016
Hummer V 1997 H 2017
Hummer W 1998 J 2018
Hummer X 1999 K 2019

World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)

The table below shows the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) codes used in Hummer VINs. These codes help you determine the country of origin for your vehicle. Understanding these codes can provide insights into the manufacturing and origin of your Hummer vehicle.

Brand-Specific WMIs:

  • 5GR = United States
  • 5GT = United States

Historical Context:

Hummer, originally a brand of trucks and SUVs, is known for its rugged and off-road capable vehicles. The brand has a history of manufacturing in the United States, catering primarily to the North American market.

Production Volume:

Hummer's production has been concentrated in the United States, where its vehicles were developed to meet the demands of both civilian and military applications. This regional focus ensures high standards of durability and performance.


  • The Hummer H1 was based on the military Humvee, known for its extreme off-road capabilities.
  • General Motors revived the Hummer nameplate as an electric vehicle brand, introducing the GMC Hummer EV as an all-electric off-road truck.
Region WMI Notes
North America 5GR United States
North America 5GT United States

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