Written by Andrei Zakhareuski. With over 16 years of expertise, Andrei leads Driving-Tests.org, a top online resource for driver education. His leadership has established vital partnerships with over 2,600 libraries, educational bodies, and state agencies.

Keeping your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) up-to-date is crucial. Understanding the renewal process is key to maintaining your status as a licensed commercial driver.

Steps for Renewal


Check Expiration

Be aware of your CDL expiration date and start the renewal process well in advance.


Gather Documentation

Collect all necessary documents needed for the renewal process.


Complete Any Required Tests

Some states may require a vision test or other assessments for renewal.


Submit Your Application

Apply for renewal either online, by mail, or in person at your local DMV.


Pay Renewal Fees

Ensure you pay any associated renewal fees to complete the process.

Remember, keeping your CDL valid is not just a legal requirement but also a professional responsibility. Stay ahead of the renewal process to ensure uninterrupted career progress.

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