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Indiana Motorcycle Manual Online 2025
Motorcycle safety in Indiana is taken very seriously.
Riding a motorcycle is a demanding task, which requires highly specialized knowledge and skills. The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Education recognize that riding is an enjoyable activity, yet it is one that can be extremely dangerous without the appropriate training. For this reason, the state offers various resources to help current and future riders stay safe on the road.
Safety Education Program
The state offers the Indiana Motorcycle Operator Safety Education Program, which is administered by the Department of Education. This is a standardized course taught by nationally certified instructors. There are three different programs available:
1. Basic Riding Course
2. Experienced Rider Course
3. Instructor Preparation Course
Operator’s Manual
The state of Indiana offers other resources to ensure that all new riders are equipped with the appropriate knowledge before they head out on the road. In collaboration with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), the Bureau of Motor Vehicles has published this Indiana Motorcycle Operator Manual, which is available as a free PDF download below, or through your local Motor Vehicles office.
The Operator Manual is organized into the following main sections:
- Preparing to Ride – Before starting a trip, a responsible rider has four main considerations, which are: familiarity with the motorcycle; checking motorcycle equipment; wearing the right gear; and being a responsible rider. This section discusses preparation in detail.
- Ride Within Your Abilities – Although a manual alone is unable to teach riders how to control their direction, speed or balance, this section introduces the basics of vehicle control so that learners can practice these skills intelligently.
- Being in Shape to Ride – In order to effectively assess their riding environment, spot upcoming hazards and make skillful judgments, riders need to ensure that they are able to perform at their best. In this section, the manual explores the factors that may affect a rider’s performance ability, which include consumption of drugs and alcohol, or conditions such as fatigue and mood.
- Earning Your License – This section includes information on the Bureau of Motor Vehicles’ knowledge test and the on-motorcycle skill test.
After carefully reading this Manual, novice riders should be able to answer the following questions:
-- How do you reduce your reaction time?
-- When should a rider wear reflective clothing?
-- What is a good way to handle tailgaters?
-- Which is the best type of helmet to wear?
Close study of this Indiana Motorcycle Operator Manual will help you answer these, and other questions that are sure to appear on your motorcycle licensing test. So what are you waiting for? Start reading below!