In North Dakota, the Office of Driver and Vehicle Services handles all of your motor vehicle and licensing needs. This office is a branch of the Department of Transportation, and it has different field departments available for your needs. Determine which department you need to visit and then you’ll be ready to get your license, title, or anything else that you need.
If you need to get a driver’s license, you’ll need to visit one of the North Dakota Driver’s License Site locations. These sites handle everything related to driver’s licenses and ID cards. The sites are sprinkled around the state and have different hours of operation. They are also open on different days of the week. For instance, some sites are open Monday through Friday, while others are only open on the first Wednesday of the month. Check the schedule for your local office before visiting.
You can use the online appointment scheduling feature to schedule an appointment before visiting your local Driver’s License Site. You can schedule an appointment for a driving test or to get your driver’s license by using the online scheduler. Then, you won’t have to wait around at the DMV.
If you need to get a tag, title, or registration, you’ll need to visit one of the North Dakota Motor Vehicle Site locations. Unlike the Driver’s License Site locations, the Motor Vehicle Site locations typically keep regular business hours. However, the hours do vary slightly from one location to the next. For instance, some are only open until noon on Fridays. Check with your location before going to the office so you don’t encounter any surprises.
If you need to mail the North Dakota Office of Driver and Vehicle Services, send your correspondence to:
608 E. Blvd. Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505-0700
You can also reach the department of your choice over the phone.
Driver’s License Information: 701-328-2600
Motor Vehicle Information: 701-328-2725
Have all of your information ready when you call for driver’s license or motor vehicle information.
While most DOT centers in North Dakota close at 5pm, we encourage you to visit earlier during hours of operation to be sure you get the help you need.
500 Dakota Ave.
(701) 642-2652
118 Sixth St.
(701) 642-2652
530 Third Ave. S.
(701) 239-8940
Senior Ctr (north door), 520 3rd Ave S Library
537 Dakota Parkway W. Department of Transportation
(701) 774-4358
1410 University Ave.
(701) 774-4530
537 Dakota Parkway W.
(701) 774-4358
721 E. Highland Drive
(701) 774-4530
120 N. Central Ave.
(701) 873-4940
250 Seventh St. N.E. Beulah Civic Center
(701) 227-6550
300 Hwy 49 S
(701) 873-4940
146 E. Main St. Hazen City Hall
(701) 227-6550
104 First St. N.W.
(701) 523-3665
100 First St. S.E. Bowman City Hall
(701) 227-6550
Bowman County Treasurer Courthouse 104 1 St NW Ste 2
(701) 523-3665
City Hall, 100 1st St E
140 Viking Drive
(701) 776-5734
1105 S. Main Ave.
(701) 857-7624
Armory (east door), 1105 S Main
503 38th St. S. Department of Transportation
(701) 239-8940
855 45th St. S.
(701) 282-5070
503 38th St. S.
(701) 239-8940
250 W. Main St.
(701) 845-3812
747 Seventh St. S.E. National Guard Armory
(701) 239-8940
138 Main St. E
(701) 239-8940
112 Second Ave. N.E. McKenzie County Public Library
(701) 774-4358
201 Fifth St. N.W.
(701) 444-3457 x281
112 Second Ave. N.E.
(701) 774-4358
1951 N. Washington St. Department of Transportation
(701) 787-6540
1726 S. Washington St. Suite 55
(701) 772-1390
1951 N. Washington St.
(701) 787-6540
115 6th Street W
(701) 857-7624
314 Fifth S.t W Suite 11, Courthouse
(701) 228-2035
Bottineau County Treasurer Courthouse 314 5th St W Ste 11
(701) 228-2035