Road Sign Encyclopedia

Dead end sign: what does it mean?

Discover the Dead end sign.

Meaning, definition, shape, location, color, and more.

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The dead end sign is a warning sign. Dead end signs are posted at the entrance of a road or street to let the driver know the path they are on ends in a dead end or cul-de-sac. Drivers who encounter a dead end sign should be warned that the street they are on will not connect through to a different street.

Shape: diamond-shaped
Diamond-shaped with the words “dead end.”
Location: Beginning of a dead-end road
Dead end signs are posted at the beginning of roads with a dead-end or cul-de-sac.
Color: Yellow and black
Black words on a yellow background.
Real-life examples

Dead End signs in the wild

Things To Remember

  • Dead end signs are posted at the entrance of a dead-end road or road ending in a cul-de-sac.
  • If the driver is trying to access a different road by way of a dead end road, they'll have to find a new route.
  • It's important to slow down on dead end roads as the driver may be quickly approaching the end of the road.
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