7 Vital Items You MUST Keep in Your Car to Be Prepared for Emergencies

7 Vital Items You MUST Keep in Your Car to Be Prepared for Emergencies

No matter what type of climate you live in, it is always a good idea to be prepared for an emergency situation while driving. Most cars have plenty of room to store a few small items that will make an unpredicted emergency less stressful. The following is a list of items that should be stored in your vehicle to ensure that you will be prepared if you happen to become stranded while driving.

7 Things to Keep in Your Car

  1. 1

    Jumper cables should be kept in every automobile. It is almost inevitable that you will be stalled by a dead battery at some point. If not, a pair of jumper cables will allow you to help another motorist in need.

    jumper cables
    Most jumper cables have a label to make sure you connect them correctly

  2. 2

    A small blanket can serve many purposes for a stranded driver. Most importantly, a blanket will provide much needed warmth for a stranded driver in cold weather. A blanket can also serve as a pad on which to lie if you need to get underneath your car to inspect damage or make a repair. A simple blanket can also be useful in a variety of medical emergencies.

    The woman wrapped in a blanket waiting for help on the road

  3. 3

    A small one or two gallon gas container will come in handy if you run out of gas. These small gas containers can be purchases for only a few dollars and are compact enough to be easily stored in your trunk. If you ever run out of gas, one of these containers will allow you to purchase just enough fuel to get your car to the nearest gas station.

    gas container
    Refueling on the road with the help of a gasoline can

  4. 4

    Distilled water serves two purposes. In an emergency situation that leaves you stranded for a long period of time, water will be necessary for hydration. If your car overheats, you will be able to use distilled water to cool your engine. A gallon of distilled water can be easily stored in your trunk or cargo area.

  5. 5

    Tire wedges are necessary if you need to change a tire or inspect damage to your vehicle. Two small plastic tire wedges can be used to secure your car and keep it from rolling. Tire wedges can be purchased at most auto parts stores.

    tire wedges
    You can get a variety of reasonably priced tire wedges even at Walmart

  6. 6

    An emergency signal will warn other motorists that your vehicle is stalled in busy traffic. Some emergency signals are foldable and will easily fit inside your vehicle’s glove box. Be sure to choose a road sign that is reflective.

    Emergency warning triangles send other drivers a clear message about your emergency stop

  7. 7

    Snacks are essential. Whether you are stranded because of a flat tire, a traffic jam, or poor weather conditions, it is important to have a couple of nonperishable snacks handy. Keep a protein bar, a bag of trail mix, or dried fruit in your vehicle in case you need extra energy while stranded in your vehicle.

Most of these items can be stored in a small shoebox-sized plastic container in your trunk, under your seat, or in your cargo area. A few simple and inexpensive items will make any emergency situation much less stress. These items might even save your life.

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